Contemporary Canadian Literature with a Distinctly Urban Twist

Anvil Press

Guidelines for Writers

Welcome to Anvil Press’s Submissions Page. Please read the following guidelines carefully and submit ONLY what is requested.

We are open for submissions and proposals during the months of June and October.


Anvil Press welcomes submissions from both emerging and established authors. We are happy to consider work from all corners of the identity spectrum, including works by underrepresented writers, including but not limited to writers who are Indigenous, of colour, immigrants, women, LGBTQ, low-income, and writers with disabilities. Submitters are welcome to state demographics such as race, age, gender, etc. in their cover letter if they so choose. We publish Canadian authors only (with the exception of the 3-Day Novel Contest winner, who can hail from anywhere in the world; more info at Submissions must be in English.

Anvil Press operates on the traditional and unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples. We publish 10 to 15 books per year in the following genres:
• literary fiction (short story collections, novels, uncategorizable prose)
• creative nonfiction
• memoir
• essay collections
• poetry
• books about Vancouver history (preferably off-beat or little-known history; see our 49.2 Series).

Please review our website before submitting to ensure your manuscript fits our publishing program. We DO NOT accept multiple submissions (more than one proposal at a time); we DO accept simultaneous submissions (proposals that are being sent to several different publishers) but we ask that you inform us immediately if your manuscript has been accepted elsewhere.

• 1-page synopsis of your book proposal
• 5 – 10 page sample of the writing
• brief biographical note about yourself

Full manuscripts will not be considered, read, or responded to. If we are intrigued by your proposal and think your book idea is a good fit for Anvil, we will request the entire manuscript.

Submit proposals here.

Please be patient, and please don’t call or email to check on the status of your submission. We will do our best to respond to you within 6 months.

Thank you for considering Anvil Press for your manuscript!


The Editors